Song #14

Oct 13, 2005 23:26

Maybe I'll get around to posting songs #1-13 on here, but for now, here's one I wrote over the course of this week. It's still in progress but I think it's postworthy by now. For this song I actually had the music written before the lyrics, so that's a first for me. I'll try to actually record this song sometime soon, so keep an eye out (or ear, whichever you listen with) because an mp3 will be on the way.

Good morning
Please say you remember me
I’m the one that you loved yesterday
How are you
I’ve noticed you don’t notice me
All I look for is a glance my way

And it seems so easy to talk when it’s all that I ask for
But it must be harder than it seems
You create some suspicion
Leave me no recognition
As if last night was a dream

Where are you
You were here just a minute ago
Why are we different, what did I miss
Where am I
Torn from you to a place I don’t know
But today I can still taste your kiss

And it seems so easy to talk when it’s all that I ask for
But sometimes that’s how it goes
The silence you’re keeping cuts deeper than words can possibly do
So I’ve been turned away from you

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