Sunday May 15 I leave for an eleven days solo hiking trip to the 'Pyrenees Atlantique'. From close to 'Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port', an old city on the pelgrim route to 'Santiago-de-Compostella', I follow the white/red marks of the Trans Pyrenean long distance trail GR10 west, direction Atlantic coast. I return via parts of the GR11 and GR12 on the Spanish side. The more friendly hills with sometimes wild mountainous areas, the (domestic) animals with their siblings, the mid May still relatively quiet touristic villages, the typical architecture you see around and the use of the Basque language made this an interesting trip with its own charm. Herewith some impressions:
Animals, words are not necessary..................................
(Если будет время переведу остальное, пока только предисловие и все. Ну не шмогла я не ш... - Таня)
Фред :
15 Мая в воскресенье я ушел в горы - на 11 дневный поход по Атлантическим Пиринеям от населенного пункта недалеко от Сан-Жан-Пие-де-Пор - древний город на пути пилигримов Сантьяго-де-Компостелла. Я следую по бело-красной разметке официально отмеченного на местности и на картах Гранд Рандоннэ (маршрут) Пирениен ( (GR10) на запад - в направлении Атлантического океана. Я возвращаюсь проходя частично маршруты GR11 и GR12 по испанской территории.
Более дружелюбные плавные холмы с иногда дикими горными пейзажами, домашние - а иногда и нет - животные с их потомством, деревни в середине мая пока свободны от наплыва туристов, типичная местная архитектура вокруг и такой специфический местный язык басков - все это сделало мой поход не просто интересным, но и с культурным и историческим шармом данного региона. Тут представлен крайне краткий репортаж и только десять процентов от всех фотографий, которые я и так уже отредактировал по возвращению, в смысле убил-почистил ненужные.
Как для животных - комментарии излишни....
A Basque house. Note, the typical form of the entrance. This one is in the village 'Caro'.
'Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port', it is all about pelgrims.
Impressive mountain scenery............
While going up to 'Pic Buztanzelhay' (1,028 m), still some morning fog.
I am carrying a 1 1/2 liter bottle with water in the sidepocket of my backpack and a 1/2 liter bottle inside, just in case, since at some stretches fresh water is scarce.
On the 'Pic d'Iparla' (1,044 m) the typical letter box, next to the summit marker. A breathtaking view north into France.
Bivouac at 'Col d'Artzatey' (625 m), a balcony seat in this open air theatre.
One of the many borderstones I pass.
Close to 'Ainhoa' (120 m) these 3 macabre crosses, next to the 'Chapelle Notre Dame de l'Aubépine' (390 m). On Whitson Monday the people of 'Ainhoa' make a pelgrimage to this spot to commemorate their belief that the Holy Virgin Maria presented herself to a young shepherd. They walk up from the village on a dirtroad with 14 white crosses alongside.
Just west of the village 'Sare' this museum. I prefer the famous 'Gâteau Basque' freshly baked...........
After a rainy day, my bivouac close to 'Coll de Idoia' (269 m), Spain, with view to north on the mountain 'La Rhune' (905 m), where I passed last year.
Spanish Basque country.
From 'Coll Atxuela' (725 m) I still have a view westnorthwest on the Atlantic Ocean and the French beaches.
One of those bunkers built in the fiftees under the Franco regime to protect Spain from an invasion from the north.
In 'Elizondo' (200 m) I buy food (bread, cheese, fruits, nuts and candybars) at the local supermarket. Like some other people I am too early for the 9 o'clock opening on this beautiful Saturday.
To cross a fence with bobwire those stiles have been constructed. Here in bad weather alongside 'Argintzo' (1,208 m) mountain.
Borderstone 155 close to 'Lindus' (1,220 m).
At 'Coll Lepoeder' (1,428 m) view to south. Here pelgrims coming from 'Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port' pass on their way to 'Roncesvalles' in Spain. Picture taken by a young guy from the USA. I also met someone coming from South Africa.
To the east the snow covered mountain range with 'Pic d'Anie' (2,504 m) and 'Pic des Trois Rois' (2,421 m).
An abandoned church at 'Fabrica de Orbaitzeta' (950 m), where used to be an ammunition factory. Now only skeleton buildings remain.
Tanya would love to have one of these.
Close to 'Coll Moraté' (1,160 m) this idyllic waterfall.
At 'Coll Urkulu' (1,212 m) a nice view east with 'Pic d'Orhy' (2,017 m).
Looking down at 'Col d'Irau' (1,008 m) with 'Iraukotuturru' (1,152 m).
The village 'Esterençuby' (231 m).
Back in 'Caro' (246 m) another nice example of a Basque house with such a typical entrance.