playing Hestia

Jul 15, 2019 09:09

This weekend we stayed home for once - with the renovations in full swing, we’ve been going to the lake house most weekends.

Sunday we went to a wine blending event. We were given young Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Franc wines, and challenged to try different proportions to create a tasty blend. We’ve been to a few of these. One winery does it as a Valentine’s Day event (“create a blend to reflect your love”, oy, but it’s fun), another did it more as an educational thing with lectures from their winemaker. This one did it as a friendly contest; I’m proud to say I won for our table and came in second overall.

Then on Sunday I was a domestic goddess; shopping at both the farmer’s market and the supermarket, plus the toy store to buy a small birthday gift for my nephew. His family will be visiting us over his birthday; we’re taking him to a ropes course / ziplining place, but that will be a couple days after his birthday and I wanted him to have something to open (he’s 8, and lives on the opposite coast so I don’t get to see him often). Then I made soft pretzels and mozzarella cheese from scratch, plus a chicken tortilla bake for dinner. Also I did some finances and we dropped off my husband’s truck for some regular maintenance.

Unfortunately I seem to have done something to my back. On Saturday before going to the winery, I did 10km on the rowing machine; while stretching afterward, something in my lower back went *sproing!* It doesn’t really hurt, but definitely feels a bit stiff and out of whack. I didn’t dare row Sunday (well, just a very light 1km to see how it felt), so I biked to the farmer’s market just to get in some exercise. It did make buying flowers and getting them home a bit more challenging!

I miss the other house, though! Apparently they’re getting the cabinets installed, so we’ll have those to see next weekend. Unfortunately there has been some drama; when they shipped the stone for our new countertops, the slab broke! We went and picked new ones, but they are getting a new delivery in tomorrow that we want to go see, just in case there’s something we fall in love with. I like the soapstone we picked, but I think Ted would prefer something with more visible veining.

Mirrored from Dichroic Reflections.

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