Stupid Girl

Jun 20, 2009 19:04

I so rarely find the time, nowadays.

LJ is playing on the floor with a teething doll. I've just finished feeding her, and am waiting for the turkey dogs to finish cooking.

She's so beautiful, I still can't wrap my head around how she came out of me.

And I count the ways in which I'm sure to fuck her up.

Bug is convinced I have Post Partum Depression.  I don't think so.  I just think I'm tired from the work and the driving back and forth 4 times a day.  Seriously, that traffic would get to ANYONE.  The good news...she's doing well.  Isn't screaming and is an overall happy baby.  She wakes in the morning, looks at me and gives me this ridiculous smile.  How can you have a bad day when that is grinning you in the face?  You just can't.

We've been hanging out on the floor, listening to Pink.  I keep telling her she's not gonna be a "Stupid Girl".  This poor kid. She has ME as a role model.

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