A - Available?: Perpetually it seems1
A - Age: 20 in about a week
A - Annoyance: My cold
B - Best Friends?: Ty
B - Bar: I like the bar a chili's
B - Birthday?: March 2, 1986
C - Crush: Now why would I tell all of you that?
C - Car: A Cavalier...very old...now in the hands of my brother
C - Cat: i used to have one name SATAN!!!
D - Dead Pets Name: I don't remember
D - Dad's Name: Del
D - Dog: Patches
E - Easiest person to talk to: Depends on the topic
E - Eggs: Omlette...Gyro and Feta
E - Email: 08deyork@alma.edu
F - Favourite Colours: Blue, black, silver
F - Food: I wish I had some right now
F - Foreign Slang: I am not aware of any
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Sharks
G - God: ...
G - Good Time: The weekends
H - Hair Color: Dark Brown...and getting really long
H - Height: 6' 1"
H - Happy: pills?
I - Ice Cream: Vanilla mixed with Trix cereal
I - Instrument: THE VOICE
I - Idol: Myself
J - Jewelery: A silver necklace that I wear on special occasions
J - Job: I work in the scene shop
J - Joke: life
L - Longest Car Ride: None stop to Florida (24 hours)
L - Laughing: Good for the soul
L - Last person you spoke to on the phone: Mom
M - Milk Flavor: Trix...yes...that is a flavor
M - Mother's Name: Ruth
M - Movie Last Watched: Kill Bill Vol 2
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: I prefer northern
N - Name: Derrick Edward York
O - ONE WISH? I need money...and I need it desperatly
O - One Phobia? Falling
O - Ogle: All the time
P - Parents: They are still around...I think...I don't hear from them much
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: Eyes
P - Part of your Personality you like best: Heck if I know
Q - Quote: The truth will make you crazy before it sets you free
Q - Question for the next person: What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Q - Quick or Slow?: ...um...I think the answer is 7...but I really suck at math
R - Reason to smile: Major Barbara is done
R - Reality TV Show: Celebrity Fit Club
R - Right or Left: Both...I am technically ambidextrous
S - Song Last Heard: I'll Cover You (reprise)
S - Season: Winter
S - Sex: Yes please
T - Time you woke up: 11:10 AM...ish
T - Time Now: 7:28 PM
T - Time for bed: 3-4 AM...ish
U - Unknown Fact about me: I run music through my head so I don't have to hear myself think
U - Unicorns?: Glue a horn to a horse and it is a unicorn...glue a horn to a car and THAT makes you crazy
U - U ......?: SA!!!
V - Vegetable you hate: Tomato, onion, Peppers
V - Vegetable you love: potatoes, Lettuce
V - View on Politics: Varied
W- Worst Habits: Nail Biting
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: Haven't decided
W- Where are you traveling to next?: Romeo
X - X-Rays: A few
X - X-Rated Porn: ALL THE TIME!!!!! or not...whichever
X - XZIBIT: pimp my piece of shit car!!
Y - Year you were born: 1986
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: sucks
Z - Zoo Animal: Penguins
Z - Zodiac: Tiger
Z - ZZZZZ: Yeah...right