Jun 10, 2003 01:11
So I was talking to a few people at one of those hollywood parites, and they said that the new 'cool' thing to do is to have a journal. Now granted I'm not doing this because 'it's cool'... I just like to try new things. Although I have never really been that well at writing down my thoughts because half the time I can't even make sense of them. So I don't really expect others to, I guess. So this will mainly be a place where I can write my nonsense about the ups and downs of being Leonardo DiCaprio.
I was out of the spot light for a while... and almost got married. But things quickly changed when she decided that we needed time a part. She needed something more for her career than being 'Leo's girlfriend' and all that other tabloid shit. I still love her... but I must say that it is nice to be back in the game again. :smiles:
I recently did some movies so I could get my mind off all the stuff that was happening. The newest one is "Catch Me If You Can" with Tom Hanks. If you haven't seen it yet for some bizzar reason, you really should. I was also in "Gangs Of New York" recently too with Daniel Day-Lewis and Cameron Diaz. Fun times that was.
Okay, I don't think you all really want to hear the life story of Leo, so I think I'm done now.
Delude DiCaprio -AIM