Dec 02, 2004 02:40
Well, i just had the worst night of my life at work. The Register #4 froze!!! Can only describe it with one word, and i dont know how it's pronounced. The rushes.. omg i mean the rushes are already chaos anyway.. nevermind tonight it was.. just... undescribable. My General Manager yelling, crew members yelling, customers yelling, It just seemed like everythign that could go wrong did... i'm just glad it's over. No details.. hehe. Although it was funny.. even though it kinda pissed me off at the time!!! This womans car horn in the drive thru wouldnt stop!! And she was just driving around like that!!! Her horn.. was blarring non-stop and her windshield wipers wouldnt stop going either. lol It was crazy!!! I could hardly hear her.... where do these fuckin people come from?!!! Tell me... if you're car was blarring your car horn like that...would you go to a fast food restaurants drive thru? I'd take it to Midas or something .. I just dont get it. Just another day at the office. lol Anyways, school really sucked too and i'm not looking forward to it in a few hours. And i am just so tired, and crabby... also it's really cold. I am just miserable.. Life sucks .. I keep listening to "The Warmth" to try to warm myself up lol i'm so funny. ...i have class in... 4 hours and 27. :( Going to sleep for a few hours. Good night journal!!