¡Feliz Dia de la Mujer!

Mar 08, 2007 13:11

may be because i just smoked a little pot or injested some lithium or seratonin through my irises but i think this is the happiest I have EVER BEEN. so fucking happy. don´t want to go home.

we are living in a reclaimed house with a rad couple and their rad kid. Chago and Karen kind of remind me of Alexi and Wendy of Yoni´s house, as does the building´s ongoing creative reparation. the baby, Katari, does not remind me of Halley although he is adorable as well as named for the god also called Quetzakcoatl.

adventures in cellibacy
no one reminded me not to get faced -I like this word, it sounds dirty - last night and make out with Raul, my housemate and cook of our collective lunches (who with his hyperactivity and seemingly ambiguous sexualality reminds me of Omar). Carey, do not make out with your neighbor your first night in the house! also I miss the days when you could just make out and leave it at that. it feels so 50´s the way i go about it, with the no sex and all. i don´t relly know how to draw the line in english, much less spanish....not suave.

this morning, not so much hung over as shaky, but not actually shaking. confrontation with chago in kitchen: ¿Tomaste mucho anoche? me: que? (I can´t understand him the first time around ever. Chago: ¿Tomaste mucho alcohol anoche? me: ¿yo? no... Chago proceeds to hold both sides of my face and look closely into it. si.. Then he tells me to cuidadate (be careful) around personas peligro, como el ladino Always people telling us about danger. me: Ladino? ¿Latino - o otro causa? ¿Que es, un ladino?
Chago laughs at me: je je je, ladino, es como Latino. es un hombre, un tipo que es peligro con las mujeres. he says in a humourous tone. Somehow I knew that was coming. the bossman just another member of the collectivo centro cultural - what did he hear? groan. laugh.

cannot concentrate. so much mate....

And happy international women´s day. Get a lady some flowers or whatnot. going to march to legalize abortion in a few.

I was surprised when searching for the right spelling of sudaco (term meaning South America person) to find that it can be used in a derogative manner. Found this out when the search result returned stormfront. Apparently the white nationalist group has members living here, writing in Spanish. I guess I shouldn´t be suprised?!


And some Nietzche yoinked from the white supremascists:

"Exigir de la fortaleza que no sea un querer-dominar, un querer-sojuzgar, un querer-apropiarse, una sed de enemigos y de luchas y de triunfos, es un absurdo tal como pretender exigir a la debilidad que se muestre a sí misma como fortaleza".
Friedrich Nietzsche, "La Genealogía de la Moral"

no sè el significo esto tiene, per es locura:

woe, epic journey of womanhood

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