the invisible hand

Jul 25, 2007 12:40

i stood staring out my balcony, noting leaf by leaf, scent by scent, sight by sight....

i stood biting my lip, wondering why i've done the things i've done and why i stood there noting my surroundings.

i stood hating myself for a moment, burdened. i wanted to dissolve and disappear from the balcony so that when i looked down no one could look up and see a boy.... who is too hesitant to call himself a man.

i stood there knowing inside i'd been running in place, burdened, just observing. how long had i been just an observer, how long had it been since i'd had a say in anything, anything of my own life. it's seemed like a million outside forces have been moving me, like a pawn in devious chess game. fuck the invisible hand.

i stood there, knowing it was easier to blame the "invisible hand" than the sulky frame staring out the balcony.

i stood there and waited for answers.


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