Information and Movelist

Jan 28, 2010 20:58

Character Information

Canon Source: The King of Fighters
Canon Format: Video games and a short ONA series (also a comic book/manhwa, but that conflicts with the other canon sources, so it comes into play very little)
Character's Name: Alba Meira
Character's Age: 22

What form will your character's NV take? Cell phone with text/web browser capabilities.

Character's Canon Abilities: Alba is skilled in kenpo, having trained in it for the past six years, and has modified it to suit his tastes, resulting in a personalized kenpo seasoned with aikido and judo-style throws.
Alba can generate electrical charges and strong winds with his hands, using them as offensive projectiles or to enhance his own combat skills. Additionally, he can sense others nearby, usually when they give off a strong enough 'energy aura' due to their own powers or fighting ability.
Weapons: None

Character History: Alba and his 'younger' twin brother, Soiree, lost their parents at a very young age, and spent most of their formative years in a German orphanage. At 14, the pair left the orphanage, eventually making their way to Southtown in the United States. There, the boys were taken in by Fate, a gang leader whose organization was responsible for keeping the peace in the otherwise dangerous city. Fate immediately took a liking to the boys and acted as a father to them, which changed their wariness of adults. Under his guidance, the brothers learned to fight and survive in this harsh world, and upon turning 18, Alba left Fate's care, determined to make his way in Southtown. Soiree followed, and together they made a quick rise amongst the gangs of Southtown, with Alba coming to be known as the Devil of Daybreak.

Fate's gang had a long-standing feud with the criminal organization Mephistopheles, headed by a brutal and seemingly immortal man named Duke. The war between the two came to a head when Fate was killed by Mephistopheles, possibly even by Duke himself. Upon learning this, Alba and Soiree entered the King of Fighters tournament, knowing that Mephistopheles' parent organization, Addes, was the host this year, and assuming that Duke would be participating. Alba particularly wanted to get revenge for the man who was like a father to him, and fought all challengers without stopping until reaching the finals, where a confrontation with Duke awaited. During the course of the tournament and the battle with Duke, however, Alba learned that it was not by Duke's hand that Fate died. Knowing this, he could not take revenge for Fate's death yet, but won the tournament all the same, being crowned the new 'King of Southtown.'

After the tournament, Soiree and the rest of Alba's gang reunited with the remainders of Fate's gang, dubbing themselves the "Sons of Fate," and referring to Alba publicly as "Fate." Though reluctant to accept such a heavy weight at first, Alba nonetheless fought with his brother and friends to maintain Southtown's peace. Their efforts were recognized the most during a mysterious blaze that engulfed the city, during which Alba confronted the previous KoF champion, the pyrokinetic Kyo Kusanagi, under the impression that the fires were his fault. After finding the truth of the matter, Alba rejoined with Soiree, impressed and relieved that, thanks to the efforts of The Sons of Fate and their connections, not a single life was lost in the inferno.

Not long after this, Alba and Soiree started coming into contact with a mysterious woman named Luise Meyrink, who they felt a strange familiarity and kinship with despite only meeting her once or twice. Luise would show herself again in the next King of Fighters tournament, this time held by Kusiel, another organization working under Addes. Duke turned up again, as did the assassin responsible for Fate's death. Alba's sights, however, were set on the man in charge of both - Jivatma, the leader of Kusiel. Jivatma, likewise, was interested in the Meira twins, referring to them as 'Judeim, the Fang of Darkness.' While Luise tries to convince Alba to drop out of the tournament and live a normal life with his brother, Alba presses on, reaching the finals again and challenging Jivatma. During their fight, Jivatma hints that he and Luise are from the alien race called the Zoan, and that Alba and Soiree are another Zoan, Judeim, split into two bodies. Alba refuses to acknowledge Jivatma's words, though hearing the name Judeim does cause a shock of pain to wrack his body. Alba ends up winning the battle, but Jivatma escapes, collapsing the arena around them. Before he disappears, Jivatma makes allusions to bringing Judeim back, even without Alba's help.

Luise is able to teleport Alba out of harm's way, back to Southtown. But in the confusion, she admits that something happened to Soiree, implying that Jivatma and Addes must have taken him prisoner. Though he has once again won the tournament, Alba is not joyous in the least. Enraged, he and Luise start looking for Soiree, with Alba convincing Luise to explain everything she may know about their pasts.
Point in Canon: Immediately following the end of King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2/King of Fighters 2006

Character Personality: Alba is a very serious individual, rarely expressing much in the way of emotion. His taciturn manner hides his capacity for compassion, as he cares deeply for his brother and friends, and believes that the city of Southtown and its inhabitants are worth protecting. While he takes the role of leadership well, he's reluctant to accept it, often having self-doubt over whether he's the right fit for the position.

Though well-spoken, he can oftentimes come off as rude. Combined with his commonly expressionless nature and ever-present sunglasses, this causes many people to see him as a 'mean-looking punk.' He doesn't try to dissuade this observance per se, but he does let his actions speak for him.
Character Plans: Alba is a good leader-figure for the common man, but will also join a cause he believes is right. As a gang member and leader, he understands that even good people can and will sidestep their morals when the right circumstances arise, making him potentially an excellent resource for either organization, or against both of them. His desire to protect others means that we'll be seeing him try to take the fight straight to the monstrous beings plaguing the night, though it could also easily get him killed.

Appearance/PB: Character model sheet

Writing Samples

First Person Sample All right. I need to make some things clear, and to get some answers, if we're going to be working together. The first thing is that my trust isn't won easily, so don't think I'm giving it to you just because we're cooperating. Also, if I feel a course of action is more sound, I'm going to run with that, regardless of what you've got to say about it. My gut tells me more than anyone else could.

If that's been cleared up, help me out here. Just what is it that we're aiming for, as you understand it? Not the 'official' spiel, just what you know, how you feel about it. I'm not going to hold it against you - you're only human. I wouldn't have signed up with this deal if I thought you were any different from that. So, level with me - do you feel we're doing the right thing?

Or are we being willing pawns here?

Third Person Sample There's over ten thousand people in this city. Singling out one should be nearly impossible.

But not when you've got a cause. A goal that's more important to an individual than anything else in their life.

Alba Meira had a cause. His brother went missing, likely taken by the criminals who make up Addes. Alba also had resources, people who wanted Addes taken down as badly as he did, people who worked for the same organization. He didn't trust them too much, but he knew their desire to see the scum brought to the ground meant more than some petty grudge they might've held against him personally. He had faith that their information was leading to Addes' doom, and not his own.

Of course, that didn't keep him from being cautious.

Though the city was new to him, the way it worked wasn't. Stick to the more populated streets for a while, blend in enough that you won't make yourself an easy target. His shades kept his eyes hidden, allowing him to scan every face that walked by without the awkward moment of being caught looking - some people take that as a challenge, after all. Though, admittedly, he was probably looking for someone who would use it as an excuse to fight.

When he broke away from the main drag and started into the weaving alleys, he kept his head low, looking like he was simply trying to find a shortcut. He hunched his shoulders, shoved his hands into his pockets, and shuffles his feet, making himself sound unsure that he was going the right way. Essentially, he made himself an easy harassment target.

It was like baiting trout with something shiny.

Some two-bit hoods started tailing him, thinking their efforts to herd him were covert. He let himself be led into a cornered situation. Turning around in mock distress, he faced a handful of thugs, one of them a little more confident than the others. He's the one I want to talk to.

"I don't want any trouble, gentlemen," Alba commented cooly, pulling his hands out of his pockets slowly. "I'm just looking for some information. Maybe you can help me out, and we can all be on our way."

The leader-looking one simply stared, but one of the others made the situation a lot more simple. "Oh, we'll be helpin' ourselves out there, prettyboy. But thanks fer the offer."

"Fair enough." Alba pushed his sunglasses up, and then beckoned to the muggers. Electricity arced across his gloved fingertips. "I gave you the option. Let's do this."

Kotsu Hazaki/Bone Basher - A wind-up, crossover punch, from left to right.

Tekka/Molten Steel - Alba grabs the opponent by the shoulders, swings his leg to sweep out the opponent's footing from behind, then delivers a smashing punch to the torso.

Rekka/White-Hot Whop - Alba grabs the opponent by the shoulders, swings his leg to sweep out the opponent's footing from the front, then delivers a stomp kick to the back.

Kiri Hikari > Zan Hikari > Zankou Otoshi/Luminescent Lash > Penitent Flash > Remnant Flash - Alba swings his arm in an arc in front of him, sending out a wave of electrical energy at his opponent. Can be done three times in succession.

Kaze Kata Ken/Winds of Pain - Alba slides forward, delivering an uppercut with his left hand. He follows up with a straight upward right, blasting his opponent into the air with a combination of his punch and a gale of hurricane winds.

Ikazuma Kata Ken/Thunderbolt Thrash - Alba slides forward, delivering a crossover chop to the legs with his left hand, then charging his right palm with explosive electrical energy and slamming it against his opponent, sending them spinning backwards.

Kakuryuu: Joudan/Upper Dragon Snatch - Alba counters an opponent's attack by catching them and flipping them backwards over his shoulder, slamming them onto their back.

Kakuryuu: Kadan/Lower Dragon Snatch - Alba counters an opponent's attack by catching them and flipping them forwards, slamming them onto their back in front of him.

Roku Kyoku Rendan/Omnidirectional Cluster Bomb - Alba slides forward with a jab to the midsection which, if connecting, gives him a moment to unleash a small flurry of punches to the opponent, concluding with a palm thrust that sends the opponent flying backwards.

Bakuryuu Sanda > Sairyuu: Bakuryuu Sanda/Captive Serpent Jab > Crushing Dragon - Alba grabs his opponent's shoulder and delivers a gut punch, lifting the opponent off the ground as he delivers successive blows to the midsection, until he pops the opponent into the air, catching them with his raised foot and throwing them backwards. He can alternate the finishing move of this combo, instead using his foot to stomp the opponent back to the ground painfully.

Hiougi Kaimon Raijin Ken/Surreptitious Punch of the Thundergod - Alba pulls his arms into himself, charging wind energy before delivering a midsection slam to his opponent, accompanied by a vortex of hurricane winds localized around his fist. This attack sends the opponent reeling backwards.

Kyuukyou Hiougi Hou'ou Raijin Ken/Hallowed Slug of the Heavenly Conqueror - Alba pulls his arms into himself, charging wind energy before delivering a midsection slam to his opponent, accompanied by a vortex of hurricane winds localized around his fist. The opponent is caught in the vortex and buffeted by the powerful winds violently before being sent reeling backwards.

Fuuin Okugi En'ei Raijin Ryuusei/Celestial Slam of Odin - Alba's most powerful attack. He performs a spinning high kick, popping his opponent into the air. He leaps to follow, performing another spinning kick in midair, then twist and delivers a flurry of rapid-fire punches to his opponent's head and torso, finishing with a punch charged with hurricane wind energy, sending his opponent flying away into the ground.

ooc, info

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