Long overdue 'Thank you Lord'

Sep 16, 2009 22:13

One of my biggest pet peeves about giving birth was that because Gavin was such a wriggly little squirmer, I had to lay still during most of it so that the heartbeat monitors would keep catching his heartbeat. At one point they attached something to the top of his head while he was still inside, and he STILL moved around too much and they ended up taking it out since it didn't help. I was always so pissed. "What the hell, we are in the hospital, he is about to be born, it's not like his heartbeat is going to just disappear. Why can't I get up and walk???"

So I just read a story about a woman who lost her baby at 39 weeks 4 days. She went for her last OB appointment before the baby was due and they couldn't find a heartbeat. Emergency US showed a lack of amniotic fluid.  They started her on pitocin, she was eventually able to give birth, and the baby was dead. There were no warning signs leading up to this that this might happen. Someone else went into to give birth, walked the halls for an hour and when they went to check the baby again, their baby had passed away. The baby died in the hour while they were walking the halls. Again, no warning, they baby was just gone.

So the moral of the story is, I am never going to bitch about having to lie still for the labor because my baby was too active. I figured we were in the home stretch, what could do wrong? Apparently things can still happen, which is probably why the doctors and nurses who spent small fortunes on their education knew what the hell they were doing and did it anyway, despite my discomfort. Thank you Lord for seeing us through Gavin's birth even though the whole thing was a giant pain in the ass (among other parts), and please be with those two women who just lost their babies.

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