Our moms don't want me to work

Jul 02, 2009 15:57

I had an interview today. I asked my mom to be here at 10 to watch Gavin so I could get ready and then leave with enough time to be a few minutes early. She showed up twenty minutes late. By the time I made it out the door, I would have been way late. How do I know how late I would have been? Aaron's mom did this to me the other day. I asked if she could watch Gavin, she said yes, she would come back to the house by 10. I call at 10:15 and she asks me to drop him off at the church. So then I throw stuff in a diaper bag, drag one cranky hungry baby there while doing my hair and make up in the car and arrive late to that interview. So I decided to not go to the interview because as late as I would have been.. yeah, waste of time.

What the heck ladies??

I am working with this guy at the temp agency and he has been talking about a possible interview coming up next week. I asked my mom if she can watch Gavin and she said she would be on time this time. If it is an inconvenience or you just don't want to do it mom and mother in law, please don't say you will. It is frustrating!
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