Feb 11, 2010 00:29
Well, I guess I've never told you about the university stuff.
It just so happened that at the beginning of the year we had to choose some "additional" subjects (nobody knows why, so I'd better blame the economic crisis as everyone does now). The point is, what I chose was so-called "inverse translation to German". I'm only partly German (anyone interested in this family legend?), but I speak the language. Or at least I thought so. Actually, about a year ago I passed a fairly serious international exam, so my official level is C2. And I'm not boasting. What I'm trying to say is that I had every reason to believe that a subject from the second (!!!) year of studies wouldn't be much of a problem. Silly me!!!
80% of the class were German-speaking students. So we passed nearly all the time discussing the original text in Spanish (that one is actually supposed to understand) instead of improving our German (that logically should have been the idea of the subject). Well, OK then. The note I got at the exam was: 2,7 for translation and 9,7 for analysis (the exam consisted of two parts). The so-called "average" and final note was.... 2,7 XD. That I actually would have found fair enough if someone had taken the trouble to warn us that the second part didn't mean anything at all.
So I thought I'd beter drop it and change it for something else, since it turns out I'm neither good in German nor in understanding the rules of the game.
And that's when the best part begins. Know what "credits" are? Well, I have to take 15 units of this substance. But there is no way of doing it. You can take 14 or 16. So I thought I'd take 16 now to be on the safe side instead of the 14 I had earlier. To do that you have to ask for "I-don't-know-what" and wait... yep, wait, may be till the next year, I don't really know. Anyway, while thinking of what my future intents should be I tried to talk to those at the faculty I knew (I mean, the academic staff) bleating something like "You know what? THIS is what happend to me. Could you please suggest any way to find out what level is expected in a subject before it actually starts and you are all f***** up?" Well, the last part was a bit more diplomatic, but this is the idea more or less. So... guess what? There is no way of doing it! Just try your luck and see what happens!
So I decided to take direct translation from Russian (I'm also partly Russian, or at least my passport is). But everything has its trick. In this case no one really knows to WHICH language we are supposed to translate: Spanish or Catalan. Guess I'll find out soon.
To be continued...
And no, actually I don't find it funny, but may be somebody will... so enjoy :).
life is a miracle