[ For once, the feed kicks on and Yusuf is ready for it. He's in the lab (otherwise known as, the basement, but he's not exactly picky about these things) and the feed gets a clear view of... well. Not very much. For something that is supposed to be a lab, it's noticeably sparse. This, ladies, gents, and pterodactyls, is the reason for this feed. ]
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Are you just looking for the lab, or for the house in general?
Mostly for the lab, as it is arguably first priority. Though I can make a second post if you know of anything we might need for the common areas.
[ Honestly, she just wants to get rid of the monstrosity of a couch that Eames managed to wrangle up.
There's a pause as she looks around the lab, one slight hand reaching up to tuck some hair behind her ear. ]
How's it all coming, then?
Little by little. Whoever the dreamer is, they've got an agonizing eye for detail.
[ Not to mention a very weird sense of humor, but Ariadne's already been ribbed enough about that aspect. ]
I might know someone who could use your PhD. Tony Stark at City Solutions -- he offered me a job. Well, he told me to get in touch with a woman there, anyway.
What kind of a job did he offer you? Your skill set differs rather drastically from mine.
He wasn't specific. Apparently it's all about innovation, invention, and creativity, though. [ There's a half shrug. ] I think he offered it because I know the properties of copper and gave him a compliment.
If I get in touch with him, I will keep the compliment in mind. Did you get in touch with the woman he referred you to or are you still looking for employment?
I left her a message, but I haven't heard anything. Someone else -- Billy Kaplan, I'm not sure if you've met -- offered me a job as well. He co-owns that large-scale replica of Versailles and they need people for upkeep, as well as art contributions for the gallery. I figure I can sell some drawings, if nothing else; that way I'll still be getting practice and have some money.
[ It's not what she came down here to talk about, but Ariadne doesn't mind the casual conversation. ]
[ Realizing that he has all of one swivel chair and a stool (pushed off to the corner of the lab), Yusuf goes to fetch it. ]
How rude of me. The lab is not quite up to lounging standards just yet. Here, have a seat. Or, we could move up to the living room. [ We know how much you like that couch Ariadne~ ]
[ Ariadne shakes her head, but goes to sit on the stool anyway. ]
It's fine. [ Though having a place to sit is nicer than standing there awkwardly; it shows she's welcome, for one. ] Speaking of equipment -- how's the PASIV and everything coming along?
[ Eventually he'll have a kettle down here, and then it'll be a real party. Though how that will help his natural tendency to being slightly awkward (hence, the late offering of the stool...) is dubious. ]
Arthur has more experience with the PASIV. My operation does not travel, so my input on the construction of the piece is limited. Have you spoken with Arthur at all?
[ Because of course they don't know that he won't be back for over a month. ]
He's been out when I'm in, most of the time. I talked to Eames about it a little bit, though. [ There's a pause then, a slight shift on the stool. ] He told me a few of the plans.
[ And then.. things got exponentially more difficult.
Elbow resting on the arm of the chair, Yusuf inclines his head in a go on gesture. ]
For example?
Because of that, she simply goes on, as directed. ]
Checking forging and building, first of all.
[ And then she tries to meet his eyes. ]
And trying to get to Limbo.
Few, save for those who work on the compounds and those who saw the initial budding of weaponized dreamshare. The governments that had access to such devices were sure to keep those screw ups very tightly under wraps. More than a few Military Crosses lead to psychiatric wards.
Yusuf sighs, knowing the intricacies of the challenge placed before him. ]
Eames has a mind for big ideas, but these ideas depend on a vehicle. A stable dream must be compiled before we can start looking at altering the dream- let alone going deep enough to hit unconstructed dream space.
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