Oct 01, 2011 19:48
The current influx of, ah, individuals- while not necessarily unusual, is still considered a deviation from status quo, yes?
[ Muttering about time and the coinciding of the start of the month with this sudden influx-- there is a pause as he considers whether he really wants to make this a public announcement or if he wants to wander The City by himself.
Why not make use of the hundreds of eyes at his disposal? ]
I assume that everyone has their hands full, so I will make this brief. If anyone happens to spy a chubby grey tabby with yellow eyes, or an all white cat with green eyes, would you please contact me?
Much appreciated.
[ ooc: anything goes! Yusuf is cool to just talk about cats tbh ]
when: october,
what: sekret sadfaisu,
why: don't i have my cats?,
who: are all you people??,
where: poly