It's been years, literally, since I posted on here! (Unless I updated last Christmas, in which in case it's been *a* year.)The reason is a good one: I have to use a proxy to access LJ in China, logging in to post is a pain in the ass. (EDIT: Wrong! I updated last March. HEE HEE)
My life is good... and weird and surreal. It's 100% different than it was since I updated this thing back in February of '07, or even December of '07. It would take page upon page to describe it. I don't even know what to say/write on the topic. If you remember me at all, that was never a problem. Hahaha.
Like most people, I experience the occasional, 'What the hell do I want to do with my life?' But this is a rarity. Life's too good, and frankly, life in China keeps you on your toes with your head in it, so you don't have too much time to ponder the question.
I've made friends, lost friends, discovered talents, memorized TS Eliot poems, bought my own treadmill, climbed the Great Wall with my brother (and part of it with my mother, hehe), gotten us around China with my own limited Chinese speaking, seen crazy turnovers at work, gotten 150,000 foot massages at the Xiao Shan Holiday Inn, met hundreds of Chinese students, eaten a truckload of MSG, listened to live jazz in Hangzhou with good people, met a good guy, gotten the good guy addicted to good shows and good music, started ordering groceries from an import supermarket in Shanghai each week, laughed a zillion times, started a YA sci-fi novel, and gone home for Christmas twice.
This is Christmas trip #2.
This is my mommy's picasa page, with pics from when they visited me two months ago. So what's up? Hahaha