May 02, 2004 23:05
AIMisLoadsofcrap: hello
mansourboy69: hey who is this
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i found yoru name though a random search
AIMisLoadsofcrap: asl
mansourboy69: r u boy or a girl
mansourboy69: say
AIMisLoadsofcrap: a girl
AIMisLoadsofcrap: you?
mansourboy69: do u have a pic?
mansourboy69: boy
AIMisLoadsofcrap: not on this computer
AIMisLoadsofcrap: you?
mansourboy69: no scanner
AIMisLoadsofcrap: the internet is so mindumbing
mansourboy69: where do u live
AIMisLoadsofcrap: sc
AIMisLoadsofcrap: you?
mansourboy69: GA
AIMisLoadsofcrap: it gives me that nice numb feeling ya know?
mansourboy69: huh?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i cant feel anything
mansourboy69: y?\
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i dunno
AIMisLoadsofcrap: maybe its not the internet though
mansourboy69: what the hell r u talkin about
AIMisLoadsofcrap: suicide
mansourboy69: what the fuck?
mansourboy69: naw dont do that shit
AIMisLoadsofcrap: why?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: thats the only thing that has meaning
AIMisLoadsofcrap: everything else is so phony, so superficial
mansourboy69: r u bein 4 real or r u just playin
AIMisLoadsofcrap: my parents commited suicide...they said i gave them too much stress
AIMisLoadsofcrap: and they couldn't afford my medicie
AIMisLoadsofcrap: medicine*
mansourboy69: when?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: 4 years ago
AIMisLoadsofcrap: they took sleeping pills and alcohol
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i think im going to do the same
mansourboy69: man shut up
mansourboy69: dont do that shit
mansourboy69: whats the problem
AIMisLoadsofcrap: maybe i think to much
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i need to stop thinking
mansourboy69: y do u want to neway
AIMisLoadsofcrap: this may seem sorta weird, but your the first human contact iv had in 2 weeks
mansourboy69: y where have u been
AIMisLoadsofcrap: whenever i go outside my face hurts. my caretakers leave food outside the door
mansourboy69: y does ur face hurt
AIMisLoadsofcrap: this kid hated me and threw acid in my face
AIMisLoadsofcrap: scared me for life...
AIMisLoadsofcrap: now they wont let me back in school
mansourboy69: is ur face all scared up
AIMisLoadsofcrap: yeah
AIMisLoadsofcrap: but its okay..i didnt like school anyways
mansourboy69: y did he do it
mansourboy69: did he get arrested
AIMisLoadsofcrap: yes..
AIMisLoadsofcrap: he got mad because when i was 6 i accedently triped him off his bike
AIMisLoadsofcrap: and he said he would get me back one day
mansourboy69: thats stupid
AIMisLoadsofcrap: yes, but i still have one good eye!
mansourboy69: what do u look like
AIMisLoadsofcrap: iv got brown hair, and one brown eye..and my face is all scared
AIMisLoadsofcrap: stop the noises
mansourboy69: what?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: the buzzing that fades to screaming then to buzzing. that eternal cycle
mansourboy69: ur wiggin me out
AIMisLoadsofcrap: cutting my ears dosnt help
mansourboy69: what do u do while just sittin in ur room
mansourboy69: for 2 weeks
AIMisLoadsofcrap: try to not go crazy
AIMisLoadsofcrap: its so cold in here
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i cant stop shaking
mansourboy69: what do u do though
mansourboy69: how do u stand it
AIMisLoadsofcrap: im not going to anymore
mansourboy69: do u like music
AIMisLoadsofcrap: no
AIMisLoadsofcrap: im wearing a coat its so col
AIMisLoadsofcrap: d
mansourboy69: y dont u like music
AIMisLoadsofcrap: it hurts my ears
AIMisLoadsofcrap: do you like to drink alcohol?
mansourboy69: yup
mansourboy69: u?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i just drank a whole bottle of jack daniels.
mansourboy69: man thats not the answer
mansourboy69: u need to get some help
mansourboy69: 4 real
AIMisLoadsofcrap: the sleeping pills werent working fast enough
mansourboy69: aight well i need to go u really need to get some help
AIMisLoadsofcrap: they said the pills were extra strength and i took about ten. you think they would be working
mansourboy69: seek out counseling or somethin
AIMisLoadsofcrap: its something called haldol
mansourboy69: stay strong
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i guess next time i should try prescription sleeping pills
mansourboy69: or maybe not
mansourboy69: maybe u should get some help and get better
mansourboy69: life is worth living u just dont see
mansourboy69: get help
AIMisLoadsofcrap: why?
mansourboy69: dont be ashamed
AIMisLoadsofcrap: thats funny.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: my nose is bleeding!
mansourboy69: aight well im gonna go
mansourboy69: peace
AIMisLoadsofcrap: WIAT
AIMisLoadsofcrap: WAIT*
mansourboy69: what
AIMisLoadsofcrap: please stay with me
AIMisLoadsofcrap: they will come get me
mansourboy69: who?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: my keeper
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i just took some coke
mansourboy69: they need to come get u
AIMisLoadsofcrap: i locked myself in my room
mansourboy69: they need to get u and take u to a hospital
mansourboy69: open the door and ask them to take u to a hoispital
AIMisLoadsofcrap: with a hose connected to the exhaust pipe of a car
AIMisLoadsofcrap: shit...
AIMisLoadsofcrap: hes knocking on my door
AIMisLoadsofcrap: wait,
AIMisLoadsofcrap: gun..ill use a gun
mansourboy69: omg shut up i dont want ot hear about u killing urself
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Hello?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Who is this?
mansourboy69: if u want to talk about getting better then u can talk to me
mansourboy69: who is this
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Do you know Laura?
AIMisLoadsofcrap: I am Lauras gardian.
mansourboy69: no i dont she just imed me
AIMisLoadsofcrap: She is on her way to the hospital.
mansourboy69: u need to take her to the hospital
mansourboy69: she said she took 10 sleeping pills
AIMisLoadsofcrap: They say she is probably going to die.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: She shot her self, it looks pretty bad.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: I came in here just in time.
mansourboy69: man fuck u shut up she would not have had time to have an EMTY get there
mansourboy69: u dont need to be playin around with shit like that
mansourboy69: *EMT
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Thank you so much for trying to help her, I was just reading your convo.
mansourboy69: ya whatever
mansourboy69: bye
AIMisLoadsofcrap: I need to start planning a funeral.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Damnit, second one this month.
mansourboy69: man dont tell me bout that shit
mansourboy69: leave me alone
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Well, atleast she dosnt have to worry about people staring at her face anymore. Its on the wall.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: I have to clean this place up.
mansourboy69: man fuck you!
AIMisLoadsofcrap: Why are you so upset?
mansourboy69: dont talk to me about that shit u tryin to ruin my life
AIMisLoadsofcrap: You should be worried about her.
AIMisLoadsofcrap: She was a very troubled person.
mansourboy69: AHH, BYE!!!
AIMisLoadsofcrap: bye bye
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Thank you phillip bozzelli your old website helped me out alot with this one. ahh, that was alot of fun.
everyone have a wonderful rest of the night and a great day tommrow. night night.