Apr 27, 2004 14:03
okay okay, so i havnt updated in like a week. i know i know, im falling behind. lets see here, where to start? i really hanvt done anything to interesting latly except the other night me and stephen and jeffery and some of his friends hung out. that was pretty cool, that is the longist i have been out in a long time. i picked out the next tattoo im getting as soon as i have some money. i just need 50 dollars. its going to be two boxing monkeys. Ummm, becca came and ate lunch with me today, that was cool. Hastizzle apprently is doing some hiring today, they havnt called yet but i hope they will. I think i am going to get my cast off tommrow, that will be seir. I am praying that i get it off atlesat. i dont want to wear this stupid thing anylong, and id like to start working on my arm and wrist so that i can move it and get on with my real life. i might be going back to school in a few days, that would be a little neat i think. maybe, i just need someone to take me and pick me up and all that jiz. but yeah, i am not going to worry about that for now. i really must get off the computer for once and do some work before my teacher comes at 6 o clock tonight. that is going to be a pain in the ass. but oh well. nothing else really going on in my life...
bye bye
oh yeah..ps: betty (my hospital bed) goes back today *sniffle* im going to miss her. we had alot of ups and downs. (hah that was a pun for thoes of you who didnt catch it!)