Ostendere "Respectum" Religioni Non Debent

Feb 11, 2011 11:57

"Ostendere 'Respectum' Religioni Non Debent"
"Don't Have to Show 'Respect' for Religion"

Yes, yes, yes:

No, Atheists Don't Have to Show "Respect" for Religion

But it's disingenuous at best, hypocritical at worst, to say that criticism of other religious beliefs is inherently bigoted and offensive... and then make an exception for beliefs that are opposed to your own.

Yes, indeed.

Which leads me to the final objection I have to religious ecumenicalism, and by far the most important one:

It shows a callous disregard for the truth.

That is about the size of it.

atheists, greta_christina, atheism, atheist

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