Genocide et Genericide

Jul 31, 2010 15:24

"Genocide et Genericide"
"Genocide and Genericide"

We all know about the word genocide. Yes, it is a Greco-Latin hybrid: From Greek γένος [genos], "race," and Latin caedere, "to kill," in the form of the combining form -cide (Latin -cidium). It is also otherwise well-formed: geno- + -cide.

The word would be genericide if it were made up of purely Latin elements: From genus (Latin equivalent of Greek γένος), "race," and -cide; so: generi- + -cide.

It turns out that there is genericide used in English:

Genericide may refer to:

The thing is that genus can also mean "gender."

I noticed some odd things in the Gendercide article:


That should be feminicide. Perhaps that was formed like how homicide is a shortening of hominicide?

It is possible, I guess, but perhaps that is an overanalyzation on my part.

Interesting -cide words:

By victim or victims Suicide Family Familicide · Avunculicide
(Filicide • Infanticide • Neonaticide)
Fratricide / Sororicide
Mariticide / Uxoricide
(Matricide • Patricide) Other
Genocide / Democide
Regicide / Tyrannicide

Pseudocide is a hybrid, but I think it is justifiable in this case. Pseudo- is one of those Greek-derived word elements that was much more productive than its Latin equivalent (falsi-). Another word element like that is tele-.

The Talk:Gendercide is also interesting:

Viricide is the killing of a virus, not of men

"A viricide is a chemical or herbal agent which "kills" viruses" - "For the killing of men or husbands, see Gendercide."

It is spectacular and extraordinary that I need to point this out. I have even received a Warning for doing so!!! For stating that the Genocide of Men is not called "the genocide of a Virus." There simply is not enough urgency to change this. A Feminist has edited this site, and somehow, has got away with it. This needs to stop immediately. I am extremely concerned that I would receive a warning for pointing this out. Deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply, severely disturbed. I cannot even imagine what they would do to me if I were to call the Holocaust "Viricide". Or what they would do to the editor for defending such a notion. I just cannot believe that I have had to point this out.

Viricide is also the killing of men (adult male people).

Homicide is the killing of human beings (men, women, children).

Due to the nature of the Latin language, viricide can come from either vir ("man") or virus ("virus"). (It can also come from vires ("strength"), but you know.)

A distinction would be made according to context and perhaps even pronunciation: viricide ("killing of men") could be pronounced "vih-rih-syde," while viricide ("killing of viruses") could be pronounced "vye-rih-syde."

hybrids, latin, word_formation, etymology, greek

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