Sep 04, 2009 18:43
"Nuntius Finalis de Re Soniae"
"A Final Message about the Sonia Thing"
If Sonia and her husband felt that I was being flippant, rude, or whatever, they should know that it was not my intention to cause offense. In fact, I went out of my way to be polite when I wrote what I wrote.
The best time for a request for an apology was before the introduction of the international Anti-Ian campaign. Here, finally, is what I would have said in response: "I apologize for saying something that might be taken as rude. Please accept this."
It is not impossible for me to understand why Sonia did what she did. After all, she gets extremely disturbing email and such from guys. She posted some of that in her LJ at some point. From that point of view, better safe than sorry. Would I have done what she did if I were in her situation? I cannot honestly say that I would not.
There is a part of my personality, which I think is more tongue-in-cheek than serious, that has been labelled as "creepy," and yet it is overall harmless. The extent of that "creepy" part of my personality is only apparent. Nothing more.
But the kind of "creepy" that I am being accused of is the kind that warrants the "Warn everybody" campaign that Sonia has started. It is that kind of "creepiness" that I am referring to when I speak of "tarring me with that same brush" as the sickos. The sickos really are the men Sonia actually despises.
Sonia may continue to despise me (implied, and I admit that she did not especially say it). That is her choice. But I do not despise her, I do not despise women like her, I do not despise her husband, and I do not even dislike any of them. It is just that I am still angry about this whole situation, and I want it to end as soon as possible.
I still think Sonia and her husband are basically good people. I have seen that good part of them, and I cannot find it in me to hold a grudge against them.
This is going to be my last post on the subject. The whole thing was made worse than it had to be, I think. Any further discussion from me will be done privately.