tasha_riot aka tdlamf (Spots) "Biggie Smalls" and "Peg Bundy" (Facebook) aka Natasha Davey. Not sure whether or not she sells on DS, but I would watch out for her there too. Do not send PP to tdlamf@yahoo.com
https://www.facebook.com/peachesmcdaniel http://hyenacart.com/feedback_view_sc.php?hcid=63067 I purchased a diaper from this scammer on the 6th and still not received a package or a DC# by the 14th. I contacted her to find out what was going on and she responded with this:
"I had meant to send you a message but I had a crazy week and haven't had time to get online until now. The diapers had been sitting in a box for a few weeks so I wanted to wash all the ones I was selling before shipping. The heating element in my dryer decided to die so i had to line dry the diapers. I didn't want to pack any of them up while still damp and risk mildew/molding in transit. All my packages went out today. I will get you your DC# as soon as I can run out to the car and grab my wallet. I usually print postage through paypal but i did it @ the post office this time since i had some international packages & had to go inside anyway.
Thanks & sorry for the delay! "
I had still not heard anything from her by April 20th so I sent another message requesting a DC# (since she said that she had mailed the diaper and had a DC#). No response. I filed a PP dispute on the 21st and sent her another PM via Facebook to let her know that I was filing the dispute. I got no response to the dispute or my PM so I escalated it to a claim on the 22nd. She has until May 2nd to respond.
I went to her profile today so that I could link it here and noticed that she has changed her FB name from "Biggie Smalls" to "Peg Bundy". So that tells me that she has been online recently and is just ignoring my PM. I will be calling PP tomorrow to see if I can get the claim settled early as she is obviously a scammer and has no intention of trying to resolve this.
DO NOT BUY from her. I just found out today that another friend of mine also has a PP claim open against her for the same thing.