Jun 26, 2009 09:15
but i just peeked into the clothdiapering community since i put a link there to all my spot's stuff and i haven't checked out the comm. in a while.
i checked out the most recent ISO post and was saddened (maybe?) that everyone so far as listed their IHAs and all they put under their ISO is paypal.
well, yeah, wouldn't we all love a little paypal? i bet some of us even need it. but where's the fun in reading through people's lists when they're not even entertaining trades?
i dunno. i guess this is a pretty worthless entry, it just boggled me since i thought the whole point of the IHO/IHA lists was to barter and swap and get something you could use for something you couldn't. not just make a mini FS list and hope to make a sale.
i could be wrong.