Final (?) Update

Mar 11, 2018 10:16

Hey there, it's me, Julia. Everything looks so different around here now, it's kind of amazing.

The reason I'm sitting down to write here to day is that I've been in phases of wanting to get back into LJ and abandoning that idea entirely over and over. So I guess I'm just making this post to redirect anyone who is still on here to places where else you can find me:

Most prominently on tumblr: even though it's not a very personal blog, there's all sorts of fan shenanigans I get into these days. And boy have these changed since I stepped away from LJ.

Secondly, Twitter:
Twitter is actually something I am trying to use more frequently for personal babblings, but never to the extend that I shared with you guys on here. Still, expect lots of fan-related retweets and such. It's mostly video games, these days.

Then there's instagram but that I only rarely use.

Other than that, what am I up to? It would be quite something if I told you after a couple of years of silence that I've been up to all sorts of crazy adventures. Truth is, adult life has its limits for that, but I am enjoying my time as it is. I still work at the same place I did when I started back in 2012 and my colleagues are amazing. There's some stuff that is not much fun at all to do, but that's just part of life, I guess. Other than that, I work out too little but play too many video games. Also, I'm a super slow reader these days. And I'd love to travel more.

I'm thinking about changing the title from "final update" to "something like an update?" but... nah. I'll leave this as vague as possible, mostly to kick myself to maybe coming back more frequently at some point.

Until then, so long, whoever is still around. I hope you all have amazing days adventure on, just like I do.


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