LJ Usericon Meme

Apr 25, 2009 14:56

The Usericon Meme

1. Reply to this post with 'Icons!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

My icons, as chosen by tylik:

This is me, dressed up in my Saloon Hussy Halloween costume. It all started a few years ago when my dear friend Esme was visiting Portland and we were prowling around looking for costumes. I saw this ridiculous swoopy taco-shell shaped hat in bright red satin and black lace trim, with a giant hole in the middle to accommodate a bun. At that point I realized that it exactly matched a cheap "corset" (not a real boned laceup corset) that I happened to have stashed away. And so a costume was born. I found a short black frilly velvet skirt to match, some red bunpants/knicker things, feather boa, etc. Piece by piece the whole ensemble has been migrating towards some odd combination of burlesque/saloon/can-can dancer kind of thing. The latest incarnation of it can be seen in this picture.

This is BumKitty, photo taken by trolleypup when she was still an alleycat in SAM's neighborhood. She lived for some 5+ years on NW Kearney street next to a trashy pizza/sandwich joint, where she would beg for pepperonis and pizza cheese. Being very charming, she had managed to arrange a fairly steady supply of treats, tidbits, kibbles and canned food, deli meats, and saucers of cream from a half-dozen different neighbors and waitstaff of nearby eateries. About two years ago, SAM and I were able to capture her (no small feat - she was very carrier-phobic) and she began the next phase of her life as an indoor cat. She's settled into her new life of leisure and is a very sweet well-behaved cat. SAM and I have since split, but I still have regular visitation rights and every time I couchsurf at his place she spends the whole night cuddled on my lap.

This is me, hiking up on Eagle Creek, about 5 years ago. (!!!) The photo was taken by my exManFriend, capturing my facial expression right after he said something astonishingly stupid and/or offensive. I tend to use it for posts where I am feeling snarky or offended about something.

This is me, crossing a rocky waterfall/streambed up in the North Cascades, on the trail leading up to Gothic Basin. I like to use it for various hiking/trekking/travel related posts. Photo by canyonwren.

This is a weathered snag of a tree located up on Mt. Hood, on the upper areas of Mt. Hood Meadows' ski areas. I don't usually take that lift up because it's just windy, exposed, and you're stuck with all boring blue runs to get down. But, on the rare bluebird day I will make at least one trip up to see the incredible views. I like to use this icon for posts about winter and skiing (since I haven't made an actual ski usericon yet).

lj, memery

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