I just read a NYT article about a roast they were both at. I suppose this could have McCain's bein' all funny. I could only hope he did this at the debate. (Therein lies the problem with listening to the debates on NPR instead of watching them on TV. I miss out on the winking and such.)
You know, on the radio, I heard McCain's interruption, but I missed that ZUH!!! look on his face. Priceless!
And yep, the minute you run for National Security Advisor (or whatever), that "im in ur bluberries, bein' a barrr" pic is going to get awfully popular! At least you're not naked.
Ha! Just when I thought that RARRRR picture couldn't be any funnier, now I'm picturing it with gratuitous nekkidness. Of course it'd be just my luck that my boobs would be jiggling in some random unflattering way, too!
This has been getting quite a few hits lately, too. And you know, I never did post that awesome nekkid shot of you. Just a leetle too much hoohah for pervs to zoom in to. But a pic like that is so pretty it could totally help your campaign!
We need to take more sometime! (Easily done. You, me and a camera seems to be the only requirements.) But yes, I should tag all the funny pics with a particular word so they're searchable.
I just read a NYT article about a roast they were both at. I suppose this could have McCain's bein' all funny. I could only hope he did this at the debate. (Therein lies the problem with listening to the debates on NPR instead of watching them on TV. I miss out on the winking and such.)
Oh, and check out the two video clips on this page. I'm laughing so hard.
You know, on the radio, I heard McCain's interruption, but I missed that ZUH!!! look on his face. Priceless!
And yep, the minute you run for National Security Advisor (or whatever), that "im in ur bluberries, bein' a barrr" pic is going to get awfully popular! At least you're not naked.
And let's not forget how mannerly you are!
One of these days, I'm going to have to put together a collage of my most bizarre photos. I think about 90% of them will be taken by you.
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