Вс, 21:24: RT @ autocorrects: I hate it when you treat me so nicely that I feel like I'm the best then ignore me the next day and make me realize I ...
Вс, 21:36: There always going to be that one person you always want to be with even after you find out they don't want to be with you.
Вс, 22:53: I don't know what to do... should i get a car or help my dad buy the house, which is not 100% sure it will end up mine, more likely my sis's
Вс, 22:58: if you need a friend (text me) need a laugh (call me) need a hug (stop by) need money (this number is no longer in service)
Вс, 23:30: I laugh at my own funny text before i send it because i'm that damn funny ....NOT XD