how pathetic.

Sep 30, 2004 18:48

NPisano18 (5:39:42 PM): what up
l o r y 366 (5:39:48 PM): nothing you
NPisano18 (5:40:12 PM): nothing just bored
NPisano18 (5:40:24 PM): so do u hate me now?
l o r y 366 (5:42:21 PM): why would i hate you?
NPisano18 (5:43:32 PM): i dont know
l o r y 366 (5:44:05 PM): ?
l o r y 366 (5:45:03 PM): there has to be a reason
NPisano18 (5:46:18 PM): no i just was wondering
l o r y 366 (5:46:54 PM): okay..
NPisano18 (5:48:50 PM): lol u never call me
l o r y 366 (5:49:31 PM): if i had some time i might have
l o r y 366 (5:50:14 PM): and you dont call either so its not all my fault
NPisano18 (5:51:36 PM): well im not sure if i should because didnt u say that u would be in trouble if ur mom saw u with me at the big e
NPisano18 (5:53:15 PM): so how much do u like me then?
l o r y 366 (5:53:40 PM): lol
l o r y 366 (5:54:38 PM): i never said i liked you like that
NPisano18 (5:54:44 PM): lol o
l o r y 366 (5:55:53 PM): sorry - i dont want you to get the wrong impression//
l o r y 366 (5:56:04 PM): but we didnt exactly get off to a good start there
NPisano18 (5:56:26 PM): lo so how do u like me?
NPisano18 (5:56:30 PM): lol*q
NPisano18 (5:56:33 PM): lol*
l o r y 366 (5:56:54 PM): what do you mean how do i like you?
NPisano18 (5:57:16 PM): do u just like me as a friend or more than a friend?
l o r y 366 (5:57:30 PM): just a friend - you didnt know that?
NPisano18 (5:58:06 PM): o ok
NPisano18 (5:58:07 PM): no
NPisano18 (5:58:29 PM): lol now i do
l o r y 366 (5:58:37 PM): you kind of turned me off the day you started talking to me
NPisano18 (5:59:03 PM): lol why did i turn u off
NPisano18 (5:59:16 PM): just tell me and be honest so i can fix that
l o r y 366 (5:59:21 PM): you really want me to prove it?
NPisano18 (5:59:43 PM): no i just want u to tell me
l o r y 366 (6:00:03 PM): i cant really - tell you. i can just - show you.
NPisano18 (6:00:22 PM): how can u show me
l o r y 366 (6:01:40 PM): NPisano188 (6:48:08 PM): so when u wanna hook up
NPisano188 (6:49:38 PM): but i want u badly
l o r y 366 (6:01:51 PM): and if you cant remember - that was to allissa.
NPisano18 (6:02:38 PM): so
NPisano18 (6:02:45 PM): o lol
NPisano18 (6:02:53 PM): omg lol
NPisano18 (6:03:10 PM): dude that was my neighbor no lie at all
l o r y 366 (6:03:19 PM): dont start lying
NPisano18 (6:03:25 PM): im not
l o r y 366 (6:03:28 PM): thats so lame come on
l o r y 366 (6:03:47 PM): i have the whole conversation - just admit it
NPisano18 (6:04:01 PM): no im not liing
NPisano18 (6:04:25 PM): i told him about her and i did say she was cool and pretty but no way do i want her
l o r y 366 (6:04:41 PM): sorry i just dont believe that
NPisano18 (6:05:16 PM): i know u prob dont but im really not liing about it
NPisano18 (6:05:25 PM): i know it sounds lame but its the truth
l o r y 366 (6:05:29 PM): did you at all say that this was your friend to her?
NPisano18 (6:06:10 PM): i dont remember i dont think so
NPisano18 (6:06:20 PM): wait ur confusing me now
l o r y 366 (6:06:27 PM): you didnt tell her it was your friend
NPisano18 (6:07:28 PM): i know i didnt he may have
NPisano18 (6:07:37 PM): i was in the shower when he was talking to her
l o r y 366 (6:08:05 PM): stop lying allready!
NPisano18 (6:08:52 PM): im not
NPisano18 (6:09:03 PM): forget it im just gunna leave u alone
NPisano18 (6:09:03 PM): im not lying though and i just want u to know that
NPisano18 (6:09:31 PM): why would i lie to somebody that lives in granby
l o r y 366 (6:09:47 PM): because theres a chance you could get away with it?
l o r y 366 (6:09:54 PM): and what are you saying about granby people?

do i even need to explain that? I LOVE ITTTTTT.
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