May 03, 2012 20:21
So, I'm doing a weekend update on a Thursday, can you say Timely. So, its been beyond crazy this last week. After the allergy appointment I and Temperance headed out of town. We went to stay with my SIL and BIL to help out following the birth of the new baby. It was nice to be out of town and not worry about allergies for a bit. I totally ate way too much the whole weekend. I cooked and cleaned for them so I was in charge of the menu. We had pizza, hamburgers, lasagna with garlic toast, lots of cheese and eggs. I was in heaven. Unfortunately the scale shows it now and it makes me sad.
It was kind-of weird being there in the sense that they parent different. He is just finishing college and she is one year they're young. I'm not criticizing, its just different. I hug and kiss and hold my babies. I run and play with them and let them make messes just so I can clean them up and we start all over. Our house is lived in and well, then some. But my kids are happy and laugh a lot and over all very well behaved. I can tell the oldest is used to entertaining himself, he plays extremely well on his own. Doesn't talk a whole lot, he's 19 months now. He isn't allowed in his room because they don't want him to tear his books. He eats at a separate little kids table. He pretty much grazes all day and once he starts to make a mess with food, they take the food away. Shoot, my kids eat by making a mess! I know some of it is just different parenting styles and some of it is just they are young. And some of it, they are just stressed.
By the time we'd left, he had totally warmed up to me. In fact once he'd start crying he'd come to me holding out his arms. I, of course, would hug him just like he was mine. Once, he was upset and he laid his head on my shoulder and wouldn't go to his dad. I felt bad because I had to hand an upset kid over, but he's his dad.
Besides that, we got the allergy results back. He's had some improvement with three and two increased. We also get to add Mango to our list of allergies. I'm pretty excited that Soy, Peanuts and Eggs decreasing. The egg is down so much that if it continues this fall we may be able to do some food challenges.
My hubby surprised me by suggesting he write on my blog as a dad's point of view. I thought it was a great idea. He's shown interest in my writing, meaning we talk about it. But to actually suggest he actively participate is awesome! Pretty excited. And I think it will help add a different perspective on food allergies. I haven't seen many daddy bloggers on the subject! Way exciting!
I've got some family crud to post but will do that later. I gotta go make a grocery list and a menu for the next week or so.
food allergies