Clean Closet

Feb 01, 2010 15:38

I'm proud of myself today. I've managed to do wash some clothes and I put away all of my non-maternity clothes. I've come to realize, I have too many clothes. I thinned out my clothes last summer, but I really could do A LOT more thinning. Its pathetic really, I have clothes that I haven't worn in a long time-mostly because I've been pregnant and tried to lose weight and am now pregnant again. So, I've come to the decision, after this baby is born and I've lost some weight, I'm gonna take a serious look at my clothes and do two things 1) thin, thin, thin, and 2) update. Yeah, my clothes are a bit out of style. I haven't purchased much since the first baby was born.

Now, I know to the super-moms out there, this probably doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment, especially given the baby went to daycare. But it is to me. Its a big accomplishment. And it makes me extremely happy to have gotten something I've wanted to get done for a long time, done. So, if you're a super-mom, hey don't judge. I do the best I can.

Your probably asking why T went to daycare if I was home. Well, I'll be home for a week more and as I much as I would love to have her home with me, I feel its best for her to go. This is because when she spends more time with me, the harder it is for her to go back. So, I've been taking her part days to daycare. This way she can stay in something of a routine. Its also allowing me some 1) me time and 2) time to get those things done around the house I need to get done.

1 week until the new job starts...I can't wait. I finished up the paperwork I need to take with me on Monday. I have to be there at 7:30 AM...that's early! I hope I don't have to stay at that schedule for too long.

Anyways, that's my afternoon ramble.

housework, family, life

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