May 17, 2013 21:10
So, its been a while since I've posted much about my fitness on here. And there reason is quite simple because my fitness has been, well sporadic at best. Today I did my measurements for the first time in 2.5 months. They were surprisingly improved. I need to get better about exercising to keep them though. My weight is down, but I'm pretty sure that's because I'm sick, although I do hope I can keep it off.
So here's my numbers for right now, following them are the last measurements 2.5 months ago. Weight 192.6 (lowest I've been In a long time! 200.8) Hips 48(49.25) Waist 40(42.5) Left thigh 28.25(28.5) Right thigh 27.5(28.25) Left Arm 14(13.5) Right Arm 13.5(14).
The arms are hard to measure because I'm doing the measurements myself. So I have no idea how accurate those are. I'm thinking about no longer measuring them for that reason. However, everything else looks really good. 8.2 lb weight loss (my pre-sickness weight was 194.2 so even that is 6.6 lbs less!). Overall inches lost (not including my arms) is about 5 inches. So I think that's good. So I feel like I somehow made progress.
I'm slowly on the mend and the weather is finally getting nice here. I'm planning on starting my full training next week. At the gym last week I made a full 5K on the treadmill but felt like I was dying. I'm planning on having my lunch time runs to be 2 miles this summer instead of the 1.5. I've already got that mapped out on map my run.
Anyways, I gotta run and get the kids ready for bed. They've been playing outside and "helping" with our garden so they're filthy!
weight loss,