(no subject)

Jul 15, 2004 11:12

I used to think that friendliness was the one trait in a guy that could make me completely weak in the knees. If a boy was nice to me, it was like instant crush or something. That was before I came to NYU in Florence and spent three weeks in classes with a bunch of college students who make comments like the ones I used to hear in high school. There's this one guy who I didn't think was especially interesting at first (in fact I had a bit of a thing for his friend just because he was so nice), but it turns out he is far and away the most intelligent boy on this program. And that's really sexy, you know? He's so smart. And he reads. I miss that a lot.

Oh, that and French. Every time we learn a French term in Italian Cinema and Modernism, I get a little rush. Such a pretty language!

ETA: lilac_bearry's recent entry reminded me -- I have a portrait-maker icon now too, thanks to the talented gaidin_prime. The portrait I made myself was way too pretty, and of course looked much less like me than this one. Is my nose really that big? I certainly don't think my mouth is that wide! And where's my archaic Greek smile? (This, Kirk, is what you get when you try to be realistic with a bunch of women. ;D) But seriously, thanks for the icon!
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