Just now as I was walking through my door after putting in a load of laundry, I smelled the smell of the beginning of college.
Maybe it was just a summery smell, a summer at Swat smell, and it transported me back to the only other time I knew summer here. Orientation, the beginning of classes. Back when I spent all my time with Aaron and Rachel and almost none with my hall, back when I was stuck in the middle of my first messy love triangle, which I am now nostalgic for because it was all so summery and floundering and sweet. Of course it wasn't at the time, but there is some sweetness in remembering it all, and then of course there's the weather to consider - how is it that I can't remember anything being bad in such a pretty place in a sunny time?
I love it when smells remind me of specific places and times. In the middle of a New York subway car I can catch a trace of someone's laundry detergent and all of a sudden it takes me back to Spain in tenth grade, where everything smelled crisp and clean with hints of that same soap, and for half a second I am honestly there. Then I come back to my senses and try to place the smell again and it's gone, but I swear that something triggered the memory. I always wish I could draw out those moments a little longer, hold on to the smell or the sound and keep myself back at that distant place. I can't control it at all, though, so I just have to wait until it happens again.
I'm so jealous of those of
you who get to have a beginning of college in a few months. I'm going to miss being an ickle firstie. :)