...I'll give you an update. :)
Anah and I are popping along through Ternion, we're either in chapter seven or chapter eight now (I can't remember and if I stop to double-check, I'll get distracted), and Trammel is up on Samhain's COMING SOON page. You can see the book page here:
We're also... let's see. I'm editing two of our sekrit projects. Four chapters to go on one, quite a bit more on the other. Of course, I've started them in the wrong order, so the one with the deadline is farthest from complete, but once I pass the first off to Anah, I can focus on the one with the deadline.
We've started talking about a short story. I think the plan is to outline it tomorrow, and start writing on the weekend.
Oh! And if you liked Driven to Distraction and Going the Distance and wished you could have them in paperback form... you can! Amber Allure has agreed to release them as a print compilation entitled Drive Into Love, sometime in April. You can find out more