Oct 19, 2010 09:31
Brr! It's COLD today. After several days of mid-60s weather, this morning's 30F chill is a shock. It's supposed to crawl up to the low-60s later, though. I think I can wait until then. :)
I've been sending out resumes in between working on "Going the Distance" with Anah and revising "Percussion" on my own. No nibbles yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. "Going the Distance" and "Percussion" are both going well, at least.
Revisiting Jess and Ben has been a delight, because their relationship was definitely not at the 'happily ever after' stage at the end of "Driven to Distraction", but just 'happy for now', once they got the most immediate issues resolved. Exploring the progression of their relationship as they deal with some of the underlying issues hinted at in "Driven to Distraction" has been really fun and interesting.
Revising "Percussion" has been interesting, too. I'm noticing new ways to build up my subplots in each scene, and I've been working on strengthening the main plotline as well. I've been working on this story for a long time, and being this close to having it DONE is a great feeling.
the plot thickens and beats me up,
driven to distraction,
lifestyles of the poor and infamous