Busy weekend!

Mar 23, 2008 18:47

Yesterday I got up far too early to go to dragon boat practice, the first of the season. Yay, we succeeded in having a practice. We had enough people to move a small boat, and we even ran into our ex-coach and sweet-talked her into coming out and coaching us. (Which was good, because we didn't actually have a plan for what we were going to do once we got on the boat.) Our fearless captain remembered the big folder o waivers, and is certified to steer, without which it would have been a really short practice. So yay, I didn't even have to kill anybody.

I'm still worried and think we should be doing more recruiting. If we're having this much trouble rounding up 10 people to have practice, it's going to be an utter joy trying to round up 20 so we can have a race. :P

Meanwhile, my darling husband had been trying in vain to start the crappy old lawn mower that came with the house. So once I got home & had lunch, we went shopping. We came home from Lowes with a lawn mower, a new leaf blower/sucker, and a weed whacker. Much yard work ensued (as well as laundry and dishwashing).

We tried valiantly to stay awake through the Malaysian Grand Prix. I think stuartc even succeeded. I definitely dozed off a few times. Apparently no one ran into Kubica's car this time, and he came in second after Raikonnen. Huzzah!

Today we slept in. More yard work and washing of things happened today. stuartc cleaned up the garage a bit, and we took down the Christmas lights.

Zoot (a.k.a. Tiny Kitten) has been in some sort of snit the past couple of days. She's currently attacking the inside of the couch directly underneath me. We dragged her out from under the bed this morning to verify that she's still breathing, not injured, and seems physically okay; but she's been skulking among several hidey-holes all weekend and not eating or drinking much. Crazy cat. Hopefully she'll get over it. Meanwhile Princess has been enjoying the relative peace and quiet.

dragon boat, kitten!, new house, exercise, random, f1

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