Score..... sorta.

Feb 28, 2008 21:07

So I went to Jo-Ann's with a list and a plan... to find out that they only carry DMC embroidery threads, not Anchor. Bah! I grumpily prodded the selection of purple and verified that it just won't do. Now to panic... I mean research.

I did however get a piece of 16-count Aida which was exactly the size called for plus one inch in each direction, plus the Light Effects thread I needed. On a whim I headed to the magazine section, where they had ONE COPY LEFT of the January Cross Stitcher (with the giant Art Deco chart). Score!

I also bought a couple of pairs of silly and comfortable shoes to wear as the weather gets warmer, but failed utterly to get an emergency backup pair of jeans. Oh well, time to hit the gym until I fit back into the smaller ones. (I may rant later about capris, but I'm just too tired right now.)

Also, Xump had one 5x5 rubik's cube in the window, but it was the crappy Winning Moves one, which the nice salesgeek agreed was utter rubbish and under no circumstances should I buy it. I assume she was NOT working on commission! (-:

stitching, retail therapy, shopping, lack thereof

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