Random grumblings

Oct 04, 2006 21:00

People are f-ing sociopaths. Seriously. There are whole swathes of humanity that I would like to shake by the shoulders and yell, "YOU ARE NOT ANY MORE SPECIAL THAN ANYBODY ELSE. You do not get to strew your crap all over the one bench in the women's locker room and then go wander off somewhere. You do not get to weave through traffic at 80 miles an hour when everyone else is ALREADY DOING 70. You do not get to park in a freakin' visitor spot just because you can't be bothered coming in to work at a normal time like EVERYONE ELSE HAS TO." Sadly, all the evidence indicates that people DO get to do these things. Damn them all.

I am not the only one in the office who is short on sleep. Kid-in-the-Next-Cube and I had a heated debate this morning, lasting several minutes, over whether it was in fact Tuesday or Wednesday.

My exercise pants are starting to get somewhat floppy on me. Um, yay?

the incredible shrinking diane, rants

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