So I'm thinking of getting a new sewing machine. (This business of moving to different countries and selling off all our electrical stuff has really got to stop.)
I did some poking around on and I think I want the Singer 7462 (
amusing and overwhelmingly positive reviews on here).
I don't mind buying it on-line if the price is right; but I would really like to play with one in-person first and make sure it doesn't feel horribly wrong. Sadly, it's been about 20 years since I shopped for a sewing machine in the US, and I can't actually remember where the heck you buy sewing machines other than Sears. (I checked and -- I'm not THAT lazy -- and neither of them carries the 7462.)
So, um, help? Does anyone have any amusing anecdotes about Singer sewing machines and/or useful suggestions on where to go play with one?
Thanks in advance, O mighty group mind.