NYC newspapers on today's exorcism trend

Feb 19, 2011 18:38

As part of my preparation for a discussion I'll be leading on the topic of The exorcism trend and anti-Satanist paranoia, I've searched Google for stories about exorcism in New York City newspapers. Here is what I found (omitting movie reviews):

Interviews with exorcist Gary Thomas (on whose life story the movie The Rite is loosely based):  (1) Exorcism For Beginners by Dennis Nishi, Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2011, and (2) Scare the hell out of 'em by Ginger Adams Otis, New York Post, November 28, 2010.

About the 2011 exorcism conference by U.S. Catholic bishops:  (1) For Catholics, Interest in Exorcism Is Revived by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times, November 12, 2010 ; (2) Catholic Church holds conference to train priests on how to perform exorcisms by Sean Alfano, New York Daily News, November 13, 2010; and (3) Catholic bishops: More exorcists needed by Rachel Zoll, Associated Press, in Newsday, November 13, 2010.

Russian boy dies of pneumonia after exorcism by Korean shaman:  4-year-old Russian boy dies after shaman performs exorcism to remove 'evil spirits' from his body by Joe Tacopino, New York Daily News, July 14th 2010, referencing Russian newspapers.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s participation in an exorcism:  Bobby Jindal, the Exorcist by Charles Blow, New York Times, February 28, 2009, referencing Bobby Jindal's Secret Past by Max Blumenthal, The Daily Beast, February 24, 2009.

The Regina Apostolorum's exorcism course in 2005:  Exorcists in Rome Help Instruct Priests in Combating the Occult, New York Times, February 18, 2005. People mentioned include: (1) "an exorcist priest named Gabriele Nanni," who says, "All contact with the occult and the esoteric is extremely dangerous"; (2) "Carlo Climati, an author who will lecture on the devil's lure to young people"; (3) "The Rev. Christopher Barak, who came from Nebraska at his bishop's request"; (4) "A papal aide, the late Cardinal Jacques Martin," who "wrote in his memoirs that John Paul performed an exorcism in 1982, on an Italian woman who was screaming and writhing."

An old story, from the year 2000, about the exorcism trend:  Exorcists and Exorcisms Proliferate Across U.S. by John W. Fountain, New York Times, November 28, 2000. Mentions Bob Larson, James J. Lebar, Michael W. Cuneo, Robert Barron. Charity Miranda Martin.

catholic, new york city, anti-satanism, anti-occultism, exorcism

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