The last of my procrastinated posts! And a new fandom for me! Torchwood! All of my podfic can be found
here Alsoooo, I've now podficced over 100 stories and that requires celebration! Like giving away more podfic! Come on over
here and have a little fun with me :D
A Vision Too Removed To MentionAuthor:
pocky_slashFandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Ianto-centric with Jack/Ianto and Ianto+Gwen friendship
Rating: PG13
Length: ~14000
Summary: In which Ianto is stuck in a time loop that feels more like hell.
MP3 || Length: 1:37:29 hrs || Size: 89.3mb
Golden RatioAuthor:
angstslashhopeFandom: Torchwood (crossed with Doctor Who)
Wordcount: ~11,000
Genre: fixit, futurefic, crossover.
Rating: Mature
Characters(s): Jack/Ianto, the Doctor
Summary: Some things are constants. (A canon-compliant fixit, spanning several centuries.)
MP3 || Length: 1:16:19 hrs || Size: 69.9mb