May 05, 2011 16:23

It's a sensation!

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So I've now podficced over 100 hundred stories, so I thought I ought to celebrate! And as I'm addicted to podfic, I might as well do it with more podfic and a bunch of people who love podfic!

So just like that time I hit 24 hours of podfic (It's now over 65! And it's only been three months since then. The addiction grows exponentially apparently) ....

I'm having a little contest in which y'all can win a podfic of your choice.

Any podfic! Any fandom! Any story! As long as I get author permission, it's yours! Last time, pennilesspoet17 and claire_kay each won a podfic and they took full advantage lol, having me record over 7 hours altogether (and thus starting my adventures into new fandoms as well.)

All you've got to do is choose a number between 1 and 115. 115 being how many podfics I've got floating around on the internet (or will later tonight once I finish posting them lol). Have fun! Guess any number, even if already guessed. This little contest will end...late Friday evening. So I can start the winners' podfic on Saturday! Or maybe Friday, depending lol. I really am addicted.

*Little Hint: Kradam.

and we have a WINNER! It's silsecri who guessed 77. The number I was thinking of was 80, which is the number of Kradam podfics I've put out. Which...wow, that's a lot.

Thanks to everyone for the congrats :)

i spoke, happy sigh, be fucking awesome

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