Earplugs. Who Knew?

Jun 29, 2012 21:53

So at the tender young age of a week before today, I discovered the key to having much more fun when I'm going out at night.

I dunno if it's because I'm getting older, but the volume in a lot of bars and clubs has begun to annoy. When you combine this with the apparent lack of acoustic design, it can actually make me feel less energetic and more like going home early. I actually did this at Perversion about a month ago. E- was bewildered because when I go out, I'm usually good for a full LA night out. Note -- this his not the same as a NY night out. Last call in LA is around 1 and people leave shortly thereafter. My personal view on this is that LA people hate each other so much that i) they don't want to spend a lot of time in each other's company and ii) don't want to share their drugs. So they go home early and take their drugs alone.

But last week at Perversion E- lent me earplugs -- well, an earplug. She only had three and I tore mine in half. But good lord what a difference. All the painful nastiness of the music was damped out, leaving me just with awesome music. I could still understand everything she said and it was even easier to hear my own speech. We danced for hours I went to sleep that night with happily non-ringing ears.

I busted out a pair of my own at Wig Out last night. The theme was glam robots. There was this random hard-rock girl band called Kate Crash. She gave a very energetic performance and was fun to listen to besides -- like a little, glittery Joan Jett. The emcee, Jean Natlia, also did a great Freddy Mercury medley, complete with mustache, sideburns, and what looked like a zucchini in her pants. The drink special was called a Ziggy Starbot. and there was an actual RC robot that somebody had built. I danced with it in my gold lame leggings that I'd got for free at a kinky women's clothing swap.

J- was the second last act to go up. He did the most amazing, goofiest rendition of Cum on Feel the Noize on his keyboard with so many nods to 80s pop-rock that for awhile it sounded like "When I Hear Music" by Debbie Deb. He also sang it in an eastern European accent for some reason.

Hells to the yeah. 

la-la land, as the world turns, clubbing

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