I know it's been awhile since I posted any 6th scale news or stories. This is mainly because my Spock obsession is over. Don't get me wrong, fellow Treksters, Spock is and will always be a sexy beast. But I've ceased thinking about him night and day. And since I haven't yet created a small, plastic man to replace him, Ayumi and Sasha are basically just lying around in bikinis and working on their tans.
But soon, my friends, soon! A few weeks ago I ordered the most amazing headsculpt from one
Trevor Grove. Is his work not completely amazing? In addition to the head and Heisenberg hat, there are also a kick-ass pair of Walt-shoes that I ordered. You can tell that Trevor is a dedicated fan.
If you think the picture is good, It's even more amazing to hold the headsculpt in my hand. It's so detailed, right down to the way the ears aren't moulded to the side of the head. They really stick out. Not in a dorky way or anything but in a very human way. Trevor also nailed that Cranstonesque position of the jaw, right down to the tiny, sculpted lower teeth inside the mouth.
I managed to secure the services of painter
Dave Sucharski to bring this sculpt to life. He'll send the painted parts back in a few weeks. I'm so excited to see the finished product. Season 4.5, here we come!