I've been juggling a variety of writing projects ever since I quit my job as a bookstore work, original fiction and fan fiction. I've been using
Dr. Wicked's Write or Die software to write a Harlequin romance-type novel (we'll see where on EARTH it will go or if it'll be published at all), but sometimes I feel I get out of touch with my characters when I'm trying to beat the timer and "keep the evil buzzies away" (if you've used Write or Die, you'll know exactly what I mean). Sometimes I'll sit and drop 3000 words in one sitting and I'll just be so exhausted by the time I've written on chapter that I won't write again for a couple of days. I don't know, maybe there's something to be said about establishing a writing rhythm instead of wearing oneself out in just one day, but I'm such a procrastinator and dreamer. I need something hardcore and concrete to push my towards my goals.
And then there's the fantasy book/series that I've been working with on and off since late 2006. I think Write or Die would help, but there again, I'd rather not lose touch with my characters. I know we can always go back and edit later, but I guess editing it as soon as you write it is one of those habits I need to break. ;)
All the same, I'm glad I've started back in on a writing streak. When I was in school full-time and working part-time, I found reasons not to write what I really wanted. Now that I don't have an excuse and I've got people with whom I work who are always talking about their next writing project and their writing strategies, it spurs me on.
I've just finished writing (but NOT finished editing) a one-shot on Tidus and Yuna's relationship in Final Fantasy X. That draft was so riddled with errors, I worked on re-writing the first three pages over as many days, and there are still problems in the draft I've put up on LJ and FF.net. I've also finished working on a Legend of Zelda story, and at thirty-four pages, it's the longest one-shot I've written to date. Like I've learned with these projects, it's all about the pacing and the journey, not so much the destination - though a reward in the form of a paycheck for my published original stuff would be nice. ;) *sigh* Wouldn't we all like to get paid for something we love to do?
Meh, I'm just rambling now. I like just spitting my thoughts out somewhere. I also like not having to reorganize and edit them to make a grade. :)