(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 13:15

Books are heavy. Although it is quite interesting to be able to locate every muscle and tendon in my arms by ache alone.

Locked to the Order I suppose. [[ooc: Re-locked, and it works now]]

Books aside:

David Stoker is a wonderful man, at times. It took long enough to decipher the handwriting on those instructions, and persuade a rather confused house-elf to help with the gelatine mixing, but they were quite precise when readable. The density and viscosity of human muscle tissue - or thereabouts - simulated by something more often found in jam-making. Score one for Muggle Science.

I should probably have waited until the magic had calmed down before testing - although I went as far out as possible, just to make sure. Sudden outbreaks of dried heather won’t be too bad, or hopefully noticed. A head-sized block of ballistcs gel produces enough exploded gelatine to cover a sizeable area, and Merlin knows if it’ll come out of my hair, but try #2 worked.

It worked very well. Penetration depth of an average of three inches upon detonation, and nothing triggered until velocity had almost completely stopped. When the charm activated, it reduced the entire block - 4 litres of solid gel - to dust in eight seconds. That’s probably not a good indicator of actual flesh performance - the gel’s only a simulation of density, not actual structure, and then there’s magical resistance and diffuse warding considerations - but it works.
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