Doesn't it make the entry really about Stardust? =) Or just about DWJ being better? I've read Stardust several years ago, not long after HMC - both in translation, though. The use of the same poem forced a comparison on me, but mostly in the line of how the authors incorporated famous poetry in their works. Otherwise, those are two different books with different strong points and readers' expectations. I don't like Gaiman's writing style much in general, so I can't make impartial conclusions, but I'd rather not compare at all.
I guess I was just sorely disappointed, and really wanted to say that HMC is way better. But while both novels used the same poem, I felt that DWJ did a fantastic job; she used the entire 'Song' and incorporated into HMC cleverly. Stardust, on the other hand, felt to me as if Gaiman just wanted to use the first line ('Go and catch a falling star...') as a cause (or excuse) to start the novel.
Have you seen the movie of Stardust? I'd be interested in what you thought of the movie vs the book. My personal opinion is that the movie of Stardust is closer in feeling to the book of HMC.
While alluding to one striking image or just an emotion from a poem isn't necessary a bad thing, DWJ undeniably used a smarter trick. XD She also added to refreshing the feel of the original poem, which is exciting, I think.
Exactly! With HMC, I was so excited about what would happen next; it never bored me (even with multiple re-readings!) and I constantly thought about the poem-curse. With Stardust, I was also looking forward to the ending although I was trudging along after a few chapters, because, I was hoping that Gaiman might include more things (even if it's not from the poem) to make it more interesting and my read more fulfilling. Of course, as you'd have already known, I was disappointed. Stardust was just so predictable but HMC was magical. I never knew what would happen next!
(And I'm so glad I get to talk about DWJ's books here!!!! Thanks everyone :))
I've read Stardust several years ago, not long after HMC - both in translation, though. The use of the same poem forced a comparison on me, but mostly in the line of how the authors incorporated famous poetry in their works. Otherwise, those are two different books with different strong points and readers' expectations. I don't like Gaiman's writing style much in general, so I can't make impartial conclusions, but I'd rather not compare at all.
I guess I was just sorely disappointed, and really wanted to say that HMC is way better. But while both novels used the same poem, I felt that DWJ did a fantastic job; she used the entire 'Song' and incorporated into HMC cleverly. Stardust, on the other hand, felt to me as if Gaiman just wanted to use the first line ('Go and catch a falling star...') as a cause (or excuse) to start the novel.
(Hope this isn't going too far off topic!)
(I think we should keep to DWJ ;) )
(And I'm so glad I get to talk about DWJ's books here!!!! Thanks everyone :))
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