Sep 24, 2005 07:47
The future of language
in the beginning was the word. word. and the word was with God. and the word was God. word up. and God said, let there be...and (then) there was. word is bond. and the word was made flesh. word life.
a latin transcription of the word person is being of sound. as human beings we communicate with each other and the greater universe through sound vibration. it is, thus, the essence of our collective being. all sounds reverbrate with meaning. every sound vibration has an effect and every sound connected with every word we speak, in every syllable is connected to it's eternal meaning, it's eternal reverbration. the original inhabitants of egypt (KMT) actually documented the esoteric meaning of each sound vibration. they believed that all consonant sounds communed with energies of a temporal reality, whereas vowel sounds connected us with energies of the eternal reality. in their written text they only wrote consonants for the eternal reality was too sacred to be transcribed. the ancient egyptian language like all other languages of antiquity was, needless to say, rooted in passion. yet, over time, many cultures have become disconnected from the passionate roots of their language and thus, perhap, disconnected from the root of our existence.
nada brahma: the world is sound
in the east, it is widely believed that the word/sound om is the seed of the universe and the seed of all creation that can be heard reverbrating within all life forms. practically all religions over time have focused on the power of sound vibration. whether through the chanting of om, buddhist and hindu chants, islamic prayers and calls to worship, or reciting hail mary and the lord's prayer, the common thread has been the investment in the belief that change will come about through voicing these sacred words, aloud. yet, like the ancient egyptians many of these belief systems have also held to the idea that there is a realm of eternal reality that cannot be put into words. in the words of the eastern mystic lao-tsu the tao that can be told is not the eternal tao. the name that can be named is not the eternal name. the unnamable is the eternally real. naming is the origin of all particular things.
thus, the future of language would involve us getting closer and closer to be being able to articulate the unspoken. consciousness, like technology, evolves over time. in the same way that there are advances made in technology that may take a decade or more before it reaches the public, there are also shifts in consciousness that readily become understandable by the masses over time. so that an idea that perhaps the twelfth dalai lama acheived through meditation however many years ago may just be reaching the level of common understanding by the average young american, today.