Wish and Want

Oct 17, 2008 03:40

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses, Steins
Prompt: Regret
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Victor and Dale have a talk about regret.

004: Regret

"Lana, Sadie, Katharine, Jane, Sable, Janet."

Dale gave his neighbor an incredulous look. "You’re on your sixth marriage?"

"And girlfriends between," Victor chuckled. Janet was on the phone in the other room. They could hear her conversation form where they stood.

"Stacey’s the only one for me. Slept around a lot before I met her, though," Dale countered. "How old are you, anyway?"

"Older than you."

Janet ran by, shouted something at them on her way out the door. Victor watched her go and sighed thoughtfully.

"I wish I’d met her-I wish she’d been around-when I was much younger," he said.

"Do tell."

"Lana killed herself, Sadie was insane, Katharine became a nun, Jane’s gay, and Sable ran off with a close friend of mine," he said, ticking them off on his fingers. "Mostly selfish reasons, I suppose."

Dale winced. "We left our time when we were both twenty-five. That was a year after we were married."

"She is a beautiful woman," Victor said. "Appreciate her."

He crossed the room to sit in an armchair, motioned for Dale to sit, as well.

"I, no, I need to get home. She wants to go out tonight and I can’t go where she wants to with grease up to my elbows."

He smiled and showed himself out, leaving Victor in his armchair.


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