Fanboys and Fangirls

Sep 19, 2008 15:46

Rating: G
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Young Avengers, Julie Power
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #76-Who?
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

076: Who?

Teddy jumped when Billy grabbed his arm.


"It’s Julie Power."

"Huh? Who?"

"Julie Power. Power Pack?"

"Thought she lived in LA."

"Me, too. Dude, she’s coming this way!"

Cassie glanced up from her homework and rolled her eyes. "Fanboys."

Kate chuckled. "So true. But Julie Power is pretty cool, in a ditzy sort of way."

"Fangirl," Eli snorted from his spot a few feet away.

"Dude," Billy said again. "She’s really coming this way."

"Maybe she’ll give us an autograph," Kate put in hopefully.

The rest paused for a moment to look at her.

"What? I like Julie Power."

"You really are a fangirl. You three should have a contest. See who dorks out the most over which superhero," Cassie teased.

"You hush. Just because you don’t know who Julie Power is, doesn’t mean she deserves ridicule."

"Dude, she is coming this way."


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